Glossary | Visual Urban Practices
The team of artepublicart produced a glossary of visual urban practices, which can be fully accessed upon request to the following e-mails:
If your are interested in investigating further the artistic and cultural manifestations that happen in contemporary cities, with insights from the History of Art, Sculpture, Drawing, Painting, Design, Architecture, Cultural Studies, Visual Culture, Anthropology, Sociology, Urban Studies, Advertising, among others, this could be the right tool to improve your investigation, due to its deeply theoretical and conceptual inventory – based on the analysis of the most relevant authors on the subjects.
Tags: art, city, cultural studies, glossary, subcultures, tribes, urban art practices, visual manifestations
Teresa Espantoso Rodriguez
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Felicitaciones por la labor realizada. Éxitos.
Desearía recibir información de ustedes.
Gracias y cordiales saludos
Teresa Espantoso Rodríguez
Universidad de Buenos Aires
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Muchas gracias por el comentario Teresa. Por favor, toma nota de nuestros contactos: hc.elias@gmail.com / catarina.m.valente@gmail.com. Siempre que necesitar de alguna información o quieras compartir alguno artigo, contacta con nosotros. Cordiales saludos!